Caroline Schaal and Andrea Silani launched Lift Lessons to create learning resources that support children beyond the classroom. Even pre-COVID, they were sure that video content for e-learning was the way to go. They wanted to use a comicbook style, and knew animated motion graphics would bring animation and life to the content.
As experienced teachers, Caroline and Andrea knew the lack of learning resources for children with speech, language and communication needs. Additionally Resourced Provision, as it’s known, fell particularly short for the sciences, scientific terms and technical concepts.
Caroline knew exactly how to frame the scientific learning concepts for their audience, both figuratively and literally. The Lift Lessons team had already plotted out the content, and Caroline and her designers had even done initial artwork.
Translating those images into animation, though, was outside their skill set — which is why they came to us.
Comicbook-Style 2D Motion Graphics
- Lift Lessons
- e-Learning Resources
Character Design, Storyboard, Animation

Thank you so much! We really value the time you have taken to construct them. Your expertise and attention to detail really shine through. They are full of life and highly engaging, with very smooth animation and lots of really lovely elements.
Thank you, also, for the extra effort it took to produce them in time for us to get them onto our learning platform ready for next week.
Caroline Schaal, Co-Founder / Lift Lessons
This project was driven by the client from the start.
At Distant Future, we pride ourselves on tailoring our services to suit each client’s needs. Sometimes that means taking end-to-end creative control; other times, it’s about seamlessly filling the gaps in an existing project, or supporting an in-house team with work they already have in hand. (That’s also one of the reasons we’re good at working with creative and digital marketing and design agencies.)
This was a great example of that kind of cooperative working process. Caroline didn’t need us to re-invent the wheel, she just needed someone to breathe life into her comicbook-style vision. What’s more, time was short; Lift Lessons needed a team who could start right away and would hit the ground running. Led by Lauren, our animators did just that, bringing motion to the client’s graphics collaboratively and quickly.
With our part completed, we passed the 2D-animated video back to Caroline, so her sound engineer could add the audio track. Lift Lessons hit their e-learning launch date, with all nine science animations completed and ready, just as Caroline wanted them.
(*”Comicbook”, one word; if it’s good enough for Stan Lee, it’s good enough for us!)